Pride hath a Fall Story With Moral

Pride hath a Fall Story With Moral

The story is about a proud and boastful peacock named Percy on the Moral “pride hath a fall“. Percy considers himself the most beautiful bird in the forest and mocks the other birds for their plainness. A wise old owl named Oliver warns him that pride hath a fall, but Percy ignores him. During a … Read more

As you sow so shall you Reap Story With Moral

As you sow so shall you Reap Story With Moral

The story is about two farmers, John and Mark on the Moral “as you sow so shall you reap”. John is hardworking and diligent, while Mark is lazy and neglectful. John carefully sows and tends to his crops, resulting in bountiful harvests. Mark randomly scatters seeds and ignores his crops, leading to poor yields. The … Read more

United we Stand Divided we Fall Story With Moral

United we Stand Divided we Fall Story With Moral

The story is about a small village named Harmonyville on the Moral “united we stand divided we fall”. The villagers believe in the motto, “United we stand, divided we fall.” They work together, sharing their resources and skills, to survive the drought. Their unity and cooperation help them grow enough food until the rains come. … Read more